Tuesday 8 March 2011

Idea 15: Create a single Scottish NHS with local area de-centralisation on LA boundaries

Create a single Scottish NHS with local area de-centralisation on Local Authority boundaries.

The debate over the single Scottish Police Force can equally be applied to other members of the Public Service Family, whether it is health or education. This is not really a structural issue but a battle for power and the long awaited debate which surrounds the relationship between central and local government. In the case of policing there are three intertwined strands at the heart of the issue:

1 Where does operational control and democratic accountability lie? Is it in the centre or down at divisional level.
2 What functions are best provided at the national (or indeed regional) level?
3 At which level is democratic accountability likely to be best achieved?

The same core issues lie at the heart of the NHS. Discuss.

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